Secondary school

Secondary of Holy Trinity College aspires that its students can enter the University on the basis of integrated bilingual education, and for this it seeks to:

• Ensure that students acquire the necessary knowledge to successfully face the next stage of their careers.

• Develop your ability to manage your daily life.

• Determine your vocation and know how to use your free time.

• Provide them with the necessary knowledge to know how to function in a modern world.

Directional objectives of the bilingual secondary school

1) Incorporate young people into the world of values in order to enable their full realization as a person.

2) Provide the learner with the instruments, techniques and habits necessary for learning, so that he initiates and develops self-education processes and actively and effectively incorporates the requirements of permanent education.

3) Guide the learner to discover their own skills and limitations to perform as a good person, respecting their peers.

4) Promote the development of their potentialities in the student, in a framework of mutual respect.

5) Instrument the integral formation of the student: intellectual, artistic, linguistic and transcendental.

6) Promote the internalization of guidelines, norms and individual and social values tending to achieve responsibility and autonomy.

7) Carry out a pedagogical-didactic work that responds to the individual and social needs of the student, based on an effective interrelation between school, family and community.

8) Enable true and complete knowledge of the real country and awaken an authentic national conscience, in a framework of openness, respect and understanding towards all the peoples of the world.

9) Provide the student with mastery of the mother tongue that allows him to develop his capacity for expressive and comprehensive communication, as well as mastery of the English language at all levels of communication, emphasizing study and research in the different areas of knowledge. .

10) Create favorable conditions for full human formation.

11) Seek the abilities, skills and general or necessary content to face any subsequent university career.

12) Provide the necessary tools to face the problems of man and the modern world.

13) Provide options that respond to particular interests and abilities.

14) Promote the training of young people with responsibility, capacity for work and a spirit of solidarity.

Agreements with Universities

University of San Andres

• Cooperation in training activities, improvement and thematic, didactic and pedagogical updating of its teachers.

Technological Institute of Buenos Aires

• Agreement through OBI. Mathematics and Physics of the entrance exam are considered approved in the case of obtaining five or more points in the IB.

• Holy Trinity College hosts the Distance Entrance Course.

• The “Parents Project” Foundation Program.

CEMA University

• 50% Scholarship for Computer Engineering

• 50% Scholarship for Bachelor's Degree in Political Science

• 2 25% Scholarships for Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Business Administration

University of Belgrano

• 2 Scholarships for degree courses to be renewed with an average of eight in the subjects studied.

• 50% scholarship for one teacher per year who is pursuing a bachelor's degree in educational management.

• Free courses on Teaching Methodology and Learning Assessment.

Argentine Catholic University

• Entry agreement for IB exams.

• Differentiated Admission System.

CEMIC Institute

• Direct entry is granted to students with an average of eight in the subjects studied.