
Objectives of basic primary schooling
1) Educate children, in the practice of the teachings of the Catholic Church.
2) Arouse respect for traditions and national symbols.
3) Awaken love for family, school and society.
4) Promote feelings of love and human solidarity.
5) Educate in the habits of the use of freedom, with responsibility, order, companionship, discipline and mutual respect and towards their elders.
6) Stimulate body development and ensure physical health care
7) Develop your individual identity and help you in your social openness.
8) Provide a physical and spiritual environment that meets children's interests and needs.
9) Help the process of intellectual development, through experiences that allow reaching desirable levels of learning.
10) Channel the natural disposition to inquire and explore.
11) Develop and enrich the language.
12) Initiate children in the comprehension and spontaneous use of the English language.
13) Promote creative learning and all forms of expression.
14) Provide all the necessary support and guidance so that they can fully develop their potential.
15) Complement the action of the family in providing the child with a happy childhood.
pedagogical principles
1) Base the methodology on the self-construction of learning.
2) Stimulate in children the interest to reflect, investigate and experiment.
3) Give them the opportunity to think for themselves, stimulating critical and independent thinking and exercising skills to argue and question judiciously.
4) Present situations that allow them to explore materials, seek solutions, develop proposals and solve problems.
5) Promote attitudes of dialogue, understanding, respect for differences and solidarity cooperation.
6) Revalue the practice and value of reading, enriching oral and written expression.
7) Initiate them in the intelligent use of new technological tools.
8) Cultivate attitudes of autonomy, responsibility and joy in work and study.
9) Select the most effective didactic strategies to guarantee the acquisition and evaluation of knowledge, making the child participate in his/her own process of overcoming
The Introduction of the International Program for Primary Schools (IPC)
Throughout history, Holy Trinity College has been committed to educating bilingual students with exceptional academic skills and knowledge, as well as high moral and personal values.
Currently our great dilemma is whether we are really “preparing our children for the world they live in and that they will inherit as adults.” The abundance and availability of information are redefining the nature of what brings true education. The challenge before us is to determine if our kids will be well equipped to understand, practice and lead effectively in this rapidly changing global community.
As part of our policy of permanent improvement of the school and to prepare our children for this new world in which the pattern is change, we have recently implemented the IPC.
The IPC promotes an international approach to learning, allowing children to firmly respect their local roots and, in turn, helping them to open up to the world. It also aims to make learning fun and exciting, as well as academically deep and rigorous.
The IPC turns out to be a fantastic interdisciplinary tool to coordinate work in English and Spanish, and to increase oral expression and communication skills in both languages. At the same time, it instills a solid education in personal values. The clear goals and objectives of the IPC help us to integrate our Spanish and English program, with the teachers of both languages working as a team, planning and sharing activities, analyzing teaching techniques and jointly reflecting on the results.
The IPC work units develop extremely creative interdisciplinary activities that motivate all members of the school. The clarity of the objectives set during the units, together with the practical activities and the wealth of content, allow the children to actively participate in their learning process and develop an international openness. The boys work independently, being able to exercise their autonomy, doing research and combining it with their previous knowledge, and finally drawing conclusions that demonstrate their reasoning abilities.
Last but not least, they feel proud of their achievements, showing greater commitment and participation in all tasks. They take advantage of opportunities to cooperate and work independently, and to negotiate, debate and exchange opinions in class. They show greater creativity in the process, by imagining other alternatives or possibilities in the face of the problems raised in the units.
They also show responsibility for their own learning and are aware of their progress. At the same time, the teachers take on a different role, becoming facilitators and guiding the children through this process of acquiring knowledge, skills and understanding of specific topics.
For us, the IPC is much more than a program…it is an exceptional learning experience!