Symbols bring us closer to values. What does the Shield of our College mean? Let's analyze:
CIRCULAR FIELD: In the circle, emblem of eternity, the dove of the Holy Spirit is inscribed, white and ascending, looking towards the East, point where the sun rises every day, figure of the sun without sunset that is Christ. The dove occupies the center of the circle and signifies the unity, the origin, the "heart" of the shield.
The circle is a figure of infinity, of perfection and of the return to unity after multiplicity, due to its light blue color it represents the vault of the firmament. The white dove and the light blue circle give the "Argentine" character to the shield's symbology.
This concentric shape enclosed, in turn, in another blue circle that bears the school motto “Qui laborat orat”, synthesizes the inclination or project of the family that adopts this path. Reach union with God, which is prayer through work and study.
CROWN: As if emerging from the circle, the crown of Mary-Queen emerges. This crown, an emblem of light, is composed of a cross in its upper middle part and nine gold pearls. The design is completed by two fleurs-de-lis that distinguish the two "houses" "Red" and "Yellow" within the school, a synthesis of the heraldic values of gules (red) and gold, with its characteristics of "intrepidity", "courage ” and “boldness”, “strength”, “faith” and “constancy”. While the color azur (blue), which means majesty, beauty and serenity, is the appropriate framework to "contain" the spirit of Love of the Father and the Son and promote the practice of the ideal: prayer and work, work turned into prayer.
The nine gold pearls on the crown are an emblem of the Trinitarian number, while the fleurs-de-lis symbolize the three-petaled lily, the flower of virginity in the medieval French heraldic tradition and a clear allusion to the perpetual virginity of Mary.
The total figure of the shield includes in its lower base, the label of "Holy Trinity College"!, while those that tend upwards form a triangle figure of the Holy Trinity, whose vertex is found with the cross, a clear allusion to wisdom what you aspire to achieve.