Musicals are a unique experience in the education of children in our school. From its first act in Kindergarten to the traditional "Senior Play" in Polimodal, and like many other subjects, this activity becomes a great challenge for children throughout their lives at school. Music and the arts are sometimes considered an extra subject or a less demanding activity for a few. We believe that theatrical experiences can favor our students not only artistically but also personally. Our bilingual system allows our children an excellent artistic-musical preparation that favors the development of firm, responsible and caring personalities... and everything in English, their second language. The exchange between children and adults of different ages is encouraged, each from their place, and encourages teamwork among friends in a pleasant and professional atmosphere.
These years have witnessed significant progress due to the work of those who have made our works reach their highest level not only in terms of artistic quality but also in terms of the teaching process involved in bringing the work to life. We want to teach our children that we do not give them a work to perform but to be created through effort and responsibility, so that at the end of the road they can say that they are its "owners." We are proud of the achievements made throughout all these years. Thanks to everyone who has worked on our works: Andy Atkinson, Hernán Laperuta, Pablo Drutman and Peter Macfarlane and their work teams, who are the force behind this enriching activity for our children.