math to do
"Mathematics to do" is a pedagogical proposal, specially designed to narrow the academic gap between the contents of the secondary level and the level necessary for a successful admission to national universities.
The statistics speak for themselves about a lack of coordination between both levels, studies show that it is not a lack of content or academic shortcomings but rather a feedback about what higher level institutions expect about skills of the applicants. That is why "Mathematics to do" provides in each conceptual unit a special section to reproduce exercises from admission exams in universities such as: UNMdP, Fac de Cs Exactas, Universidad del CEMA, Universidad de San Andrés, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and Argentine Catholic University.
Reconciling the national academic requirements necessary to access higher education, as mentioned above, with the international proposals implies giving a focus to each thematic unit that involves the algebraic, functional aspects and applications to problematic situations that allow developing calculation skills, predictions of results, use of appropriate technology and symbolic language, reasoning strategies and criteria of acceptability of results.
The success or failure of the pedagogical proposal can be evaluated in terms of the success or failure of the students' mathematics exams for university entrance. Currently, more than eighty percent of them pass their examination in the first instance, which allows us to ensure that it is a viable proposal, with specific and medial objectives.